Moody’s Plausible Probable Likelihood

Moody’s A Plausible Probable Likelihood

Are you kidding?

“…in the wake of the worst political rancor since the civil war …”

Jim Crammer Friday, July 15, 2011

In Washington …the nature and rules of brinkmanship’s dynamics are always being written and rewritten, as they have been time after time again.

Why then would …or, what then could make the question as to whether or not Congress will raise the debt ceiling before the last minute …a question whose lackluster resolve’s and groaning dynamics different any more than any other thing which this “do-nothing” Congress has touched recently?

Well, then …consider this point of conjecture.

But let me set the stage first.

Is there any one you know that …when they walk into the room, there is a rushing like mighty sucking noise?

You know …the sort of person/organization who believes and acts as though the whole damned world’s charter was meant to serve as a mandate which justifies and encourages wiping their feet on any who take up an opposing issue …regardless of the costs.

And if you have any doubt about it …just ask them.

Well, in Washington’s play …I believe that its brinksmanship in its (ownership) matter of the debt limit debate …merely serves as just such a sucking example …one in which partisan politics extols all of the best virtues and all the worst vices of wiping one’s feet on the other …all at the expense of “…We the People …”

A Sagaciously Simple Essay by Charley Reese; 545 vs. 300,000,000 People

Regarding 545 vs. 300,000,000 People

Charley Reese’s final column for the Orlando Sentinel

Consider the following as an opportunity to read a truly inspirational essay from a well-seasoned writer.

After reading an essay titled: 545 vs. 300,000,000 People …I became instantly inspired such that I simply must pass this man’s work on …as so many others before me have as well.

I received this essay from a friend via an E-mail which came to me this week.

It so impressed me by its sagacious simplicity that I just had to look at it in more depth.

Afterwards, I expanded my meditation and contemplation of it …conducting a Google search in which I used its title as my search parameter: “545 vs. 300,000,000 People”

I took the liberty to post my search returns below. Please take a look at these sites. If you do, I believe that you will find …as I did; that there is …not only a wide spread acceptance and agreement of this author’s essay’s simple …yet powerful theme; there is also a spirit whose powerful appeal also speaks to reach deep into the character of the American human persona.

In this regard, I believe the essay’s strong appeal emanates from an unmistakable call to collectively take strong individual responsible action for what was intended …in purpose, to serve all Americans in making this a land a land of free opportunity in which one is free to pursue his or her happiness.

Yet, for all this, there is a certain thread of a theme throughout the essay …one of blame which …like the three fingers which point back to self …on a hand which points away from self.

And in this regard the one to blame is not the system; it is the apathetic individual.

What is the bottom line?

Americans must take more personal responsible action and become more engaged …rather than become more blame gamers in a sea awash with apathy.

The TAX/SPEND or Cut Conundrum?

The Chicken or the Egg Conundrum

As Washington plays CHICKEN WITH AMERICA’S ECONOMY …there’s something missing in the national conversations these days …something more than common sense. Sad to say; that’s a given.

Sadly, that’s also a given which has been politically fostered, channeled and has also been allowed to grow and fester to become a spirit whose source of angst and arguer has created so much frustration and uncertainty …more so than jobs and that which has translated to housing sales.

So, I’d like to add something here which adds more to and along the lines of a question …one which is become hung-up …merely contemplating; “…Which came first, the chicken or the egg?”.

In this regard, I would venture to say that the truth is that Washington is pretty much preoccupied with a truth which …by itself, has revolved around the President’s pre-electioneering speech this last Wednesday …as much …if not more so …the influential conversations in Washington which have been so centered around taxes, revenue, the deficit, and spending and spending cuts.

The adage applies; those who are so wrapped up with themselves make for a small package.

Go figure! It is a multidimensional complex world; isn’t it?

Irrespective of just how much of a part of the needed conversation as these still-unresolved issues are; in the midst of these issues’ conversations’ arguments …there are core-central priorities whose issues are more complex than those like the irreconcilable chicken/egg conundrum.

All anyone with half a brain knows that this conundrum has yet to be resolved.

That’s what it was …what it is …and what it will be.

What I am saying is; it should be abundantly clear that jobs, employment and housing are America’s core golden geese which lay the golden eggs that develop tax revenue as well as GDP.

So, why is Washington so preoccupied in making meager forays into these do-nothing conundrums …Photo Opps and pre-electioneering not withstanding.

Heavy lifting is where it’s at baby; as much as is …arguing over how many angels can dance upon the head of a needle.

Action Jackson. Leave the rhetoric for the nuns …and the nannies.

Thread the eye of a needle …and you can enter into a simpler …more productive opportunity …immediately …as in right now!

Until then …the truth of the Pre-election mantra of “Yes we can.” …will remain; “No, you can’t …haven’t …and won’t …until you demonstrate than you do.”

All else is meaningless lip-service.

What’s Next; a Tripple Dip or a Fire Sale?


The Demise of QE-2

The Demise of QE-2

Oh, Really?

Speculation and QE-2 Go together like a horse and buggy.

Or was that …like a 1.64 Trillion Dollar deficit and a rather conflicted Federal Reserve?

Or was that like a 3.7 Trillion Dollar Budget and a rather conflicted Congress?

In view of the administration’s disdain for the express will of the people such as became manifest and more than abundantly clear last November…the question remains as to whether or not QE-2 is to go …or stay and become supplanted by what may become QE-3 is anybody’s question …or is it?

Unlike what would otherwise be like a deep black secret …the demise of QE-2 is anything but …beyond top-secret.

Instead, whether QE-2 is to stay or go …is something which Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke is not surprisingly …now, more than less …obligated to disclose openly to the likes of Congress …namely, to satisfy the likes of a more than entitled curiosity …the itchy ears …of the likes of those of Senator Ron Pall not withstanding.

Ben Bernanke; “…unsustainable debt …”

The following are two crisis words.

And …if there ever were two words today which have crisis written all over them …they are those uttered in Congress today!

The following two words which were those spoken loud, strong and clear.

The words were part of an address which characterized U.S. Public Debt as “…unsustainable debt …”

These two words came from The chairman of The Federal Reserve …Ben Bernanke today as the chairman spoke before members of The Senate Banking Committee.

Curiously, what I personally find as being less than sad is Congress’ lack of regard and esteem for tens of millions of voters who …last November, went to the pools to voice their collective, unified singleness of purpose.

By this Ben Bernanke was merely reaffirming the validity of the American voters who sent this massage earlier this last November.

Why should either the President and or Congress need one more man’s word to make the spirit of America’s will any more exact and any more unmistakably clearer?

As such, these two word’s stark reason and reality stand as a slap in my face …all in light of the light-weight approach to this administration’s budget proposal and the Republican-sponsored meager spending cut’s initial proposals.

Such as November’s voice was, such a will can not be allowed to be summarily swept under the rug …dismissed and otherwise marginalizing the will of the American people.

No Child Left …or Right; Get Behind Me!

The three year anniversary marking the release and launch of Obama campaign slogan rhetoric; “Yes We Can!” is quickly approaching and one thing America has realized is…

No We Can’t!!!

Obama’s Budget Fudges It

Take note then, in America’s continued embrace of fiscal irresponsibility …equity markets will experience returns to higher volatility …providing the Treasury the better opportunity it both will be seeking and needing to raise cash …making it easier when it must beat money out of domestic and foreign managed stock market indexes.
Bond markets will not be fooled though, and like recent rises …yields will climb beyond expectations …at alarming rates of change …further squeezing equities at times least expected, or …when treasury needs a fresh infusion …as it will always will become the case …with commodity prices rising in step and then falling according to each and every treasury and European bond auction which will …in turn send waves through international currency markets like a skipping rock’s ripples in an otherwise calm pond.
However, the XLB materials’ index and its components will be anything but calm …and may very well be the rock which is being launched by the likes of artificial programs …the likes of QE-4 QE-5 or 6.
I don’t know; but it kind of looks like a girl.
Sort of reminds me of Ozzy Osbourne’s latest telephone commercial …4G …5G, 6G?
What’s the next greatest thing being flung into the pond Ozzy?
Will it be a fiscally responsible Congress …or just another beaver …er; I mean …Bieber?
To understand the inside joke:

Who Me, Protest?

The following is the result of looking for data to support and build my case in a recent real estate tax protest I have filed.

Before you open the link below, read the following short explanation below first.

The following is a look at one of the 20 Metropolitan components which make up the Case-Shiller SPCS20R Housing Price Index. The SPCS20R is a 20-city composite index comprised of 20 major metropolitan areas in the U.S.
The index reflects upon the overall movement of housing prices across the nation in these twenty areas.

After all, PIGS We Are Not!

Today, I am taking a look back at a letter I wrote Friday, November 21, 2008 dealing with a principal commonly used in bankrupcy proceedings called Cram-Down.

It seems fitting to revisit it to achieve some degree of perspective in view of communities whose municipal bonds’ bond ratings are at risk in the face of of dwindling tax revenue.

And taken in perspective of TARP and various stimulus programs which have been walked through Congress under the pretext that their purpose is aimed at saving community jobs and services, I have to ask; as what point will America become like Germany …less than willing to support the pigs of Europe …those like Portugal Ireland/Italy Greece and Spain?

After all, are the PIGS …all that much different than any number of the hardest hit states here in America?

Without a doubt, The Germans have had to pay an exacting price to pay for reunification …not to mention what the PIGS’ bail-out may wind up costing the quality of their return on social investments.

So, tonight is an opportunity to visit the letter below while asking what are state and local governments doing to maintain tight budgets and exercise fiscal withstraint?

It seems to me that in the face of lowered property values …rising property taxes are a sad social commentary …one in which state and local community governance has thrown away prudence and reason in favor of the opportunity to ignor reality and the consequences of neglect …hoping that no one would take notice.

In that respect, I will introduce my letter by saying; “…pay no attention to the man behind the curtain …” You better pay your taxes, or they might just cram them higher property taxes down your throats.

Cram Down? vs. Higher Property Appraisals & Property Taxes?
Go Figure!
How does that translate to …Spending Cuts?
It doesn’t, does it!?