Egging the Right to Private Ownership

Egging the Right to Private Ownership

In regard to private ownership; it really doesn’t much matter as to which came first; whether it was the chicken or the egg.

Likewise, jobs or housing …both questions are equally mute arguments.

But what does matter …especially going into the 2012 general election is the concept and principals that support and encourage an individual’s freedom to responsibly exercise their rights to private ownership. Notice the careful use of the word “…responsibly.”

And more specifically, at the very crux of this composition …there must be at the epicenter, an equally responsible body politic …long gone missing.

I’m Dreaming of A White Christmas

Deck the Halls of Congress with Bells of Folly …

Oh, the joys of Christmas …anxiously awaiting the toys which may be expected …or not. Regardless, the surprise …or the disappointment which lies in store …just might be a function of today’s haste …a spirit’s calls whose preparations just might be the foreshadowing of the past’s waste …that which has opened the door of the present only to beckon back the spirit of the past waste, no?

Go figure. Three years of waste …to move forward to today’s haste …to welcome further …still more waste?

You know they say; “…A stitch in time saves nine …”

Its corollary has been stated such that haste makes waste.

And this corollary can be stated simply, such that; waste makes for haste.

Like truths, when aptly applied …like geometry …these adages beg the following rather serious question.

Have the US fallen under these adage’s spells? Have they has netted the U.S. a return on Her investment which is (nine XXXXXXXX) nine times the haste of the last three years’ waste?

If so, today’s extra large sized (9X) net of haste must not be allowed to morph into the sea of a second merry-go-round of nine-squared worth’s (9X9) waste …the likes of which have come and gone over the last three years’ worth of wasted time, money and blind-sighted effort in neglect and lack of a more sure due-diligent aim and note-worthy purpose. (For whatever is the aim and purpose of socialism …other than to live to serve the fricking government….and that beyond “We the People …? Feed Me Seymour?)

9 X 9 = 81 times the waste …if, you know what I mean, yes?

And that all will most likely face a multiplier affect attributable to inflation …when and if the U.S. further opens the floodgates’ doors further.

Never Kick A Dog When He’s Down!

  First Published:   September 4th, 2011  Edited 2nd Revision:   September 10th, 2011 Related News Releases on This Subject: New York Times – Business Day Federal Regulators Sue Big […]

S&P Grade; Looking A Gift Horse In The Mouth

Friday evening, I was reading and listening to as many media resources …such as I could get my hands on …so as to get a grasp on the various media takes on the recent S&P downgrade of America’s Credit.

My take away from the deluge of the various news agencies offered me a unique and insightful view on number of wide-ranging variety of takes on this news moving forward.

After learning of this event; this is what I believe I found out in my approach to the media’s window

Kudos For A First Step To Move Us All Forward

To Rand Paul:

Kudos for speaking your mind today Rand Paul!!!

You are so right in one respect. This vote to raise the debt ceiling is not going to stop the annual deficits’ from contributing huge sums to the debt. Your are right this bill will not stop the fact nor the affect that each yearly deficit will continue to grow the public debt.

In this, this still will not much alleviate the huge sums which still need to be borrowed in order to sustain the spending habits necessary to support the governmnet in a lean revenue environment …one in which tax receipts are still a very scarce and harsh reality.

The paradox of reality’s pain has not yet well embraced.

Otherwise, it would have been more than well met and dealth with the necessary degree of resolve demanded in principal and scope by means which would have otherwise …resolved …long ago …to reconcile our debt in and with a rather greater certain measure of calm fiscal sanity.

And you are right that it will merely slow it down a bit …still allowing the debt to grow by 7 trillion dollars …rather than 11 trillion over the next ten years.

I understand why you declared tonight that you will not vote for the Bill when the House Bill is presented to the Senate.

On principal, it is no wonder why …over 60 Republican Nay VOTES were recorded in tonight’s House Vote.

Inside The Senate’s Old & New Debt Limit Proposals

Inside The Senate’s Old & New Debt Limit Proposals

Someone’s Milking Your Cows

Who in their right mind would openly welcome …let alone, invite a jab in the eye with a sharp stick?

For a look-see of a chart of the deficit, follow this link:

If this is Indicative of business as usual; how dangerous would it be to place a bet on the come?

I would suggest yes on both accounts …an example of assumption on a grand scale …the likes which equate to …the value of real estate will never fall …but, continue to rise forever.

Or, how about trying this assumption on for grins and giggles: America can afford business as usual …for as long as it takes for value to return …when property values stop falling …like a knife?

These assumptions bet on the come.

Cut, Cap & Balance

In my humble opinion, there’s got to be a better way to safeguard fiscal sanity other than by putting a chastity belt around the federal government’s purse strings.

They put muzzles on mean wild dogs don’t they?

Horses and stagecoaches come equipped with reins, yes?

Energy Policy’s Missing Word; “…Multidimensional…”

The Word; “…Multidimensional…”

Lynn, kudos to you in regard to your recent interview with Gerri Willis on Fox News. You looked great and came off very well.

However, let me ask you to consider using a strong, positive power word. Incorporate “…multidimensional …” into your energy conversation’s dialogue in the future.

You will make a stronger impact if you use “…multidimensional …” to characterize the nature and scope of the problem of the current policy which is lacking in both vision and scope …by virtue of the fact that the current policy is not “…multidimensional …” and therefore lacks the breadth needed to combat the problem.

In order to achieve energy independence, freedom has always equated to choice.

Variety is the spice of life.

Choice boosts competition and lowers price …rewarding efficiencies regardless of scale by reason of flexibility …which enhances national security …while reducing trade imbalances and strengthening the posture of any state’s ability to conduct foreign relations …on a sovereign less-conflicted diplomatic basis.

A Sagaciously Simple Essay by Charley Reese; 545 vs. 300,000,000 People

Regarding 545 vs. 300,000,000 People

Charley Reese’s final column for the Orlando Sentinel

Consider the following as an opportunity to read a truly inspirational essay from a well-seasoned writer.

After reading an essay titled: 545 vs. 300,000,000 People …I became instantly inspired such that I simply must pass this man’s work on …as so many others before me have as well.

I received this essay from a friend via an E-mail which came to me this week.

It so impressed me by its sagacious simplicity that I just had to look at it in more depth.

Afterwards, I expanded my meditation and contemplation of it …conducting a Google search in which I used its title as my search parameter: “545 vs. 300,000,000 People”

I took the liberty to post my search returns below. Please take a look at these sites. If you do, I believe that you will find …as I did; that there is …not only a wide spread acceptance and agreement of this author’s essay’s simple …yet powerful theme; there is also a spirit whose powerful appeal also speaks to reach deep into the character of the American human persona.

In this regard, I believe the essay’s strong appeal emanates from an unmistakable call to collectively take strong individual responsible action for what was intended …in purpose, to serve all Americans in making this a land a land of free opportunity in which one is free to pursue his or her happiness.

Yet, for all this, there is a certain thread of a theme throughout the essay …one of blame which …like the three fingers which point back to self …on a hand which points away from self.

And in this regard the one to blame is not the system; it is the apathetic individual.

What is the bottom line?

Americans must take more personal responsible action and become more engaged …rather than become more blame gamers in a sea awash with apathy.

“…Pick your battles.” Its About Ego – Not Race; It’s …An Easy Pic-A-Ticket to 2012.

Who? Donald? Boldness? Courageous?


Just P l a I n

Hand-Picked Saps?

I believe there is a bit of wisdom in considering the expression that admonishes one to; “…Pick your battles.”

And so, with respect to Barack Obama’s response to Donald Trump’s recent cajouling …I have to wonder; why did President Obama pick this moment to respond to the matter of Donald’s obsession over Barack’s birth certificate?

I mean …as much as Barack could have relieased it in response to Sarah Palin. doesn’t this timely release speak volumes to Obama’s alterior motives in this “…Pick your battles.” moment’s worth of opportunity?

I mean; Obama couldn’t have picked a better moment to leverage the true Trump nature …blowing smoke up the skirt of Donald’s pride driven honor.

I mean; you have to give Barack his due in playing the pride card …blowing Trump’s ego …as if Donald needed anyone to blow his own horn for him.