Donald Trump; More Plays For Reality?

Whacked-Out Nut-Jobs

Control Freaks

Dangerous Distractions



Useless Circus Acts

I mean, Donald Trump represents what could not be characterized as anything more than a long shot …for which there should be nothing to fear, right?

I mean, even if Jessie …The-Body Ventura were to prevail in becoming Donald Trump’s campaign manager …that still would make no difference and therefore, there would be no more reason for fear to prevail in this manner.

I mean, if droves of thousands of Democrats in precincts all across the nation were to cross party lines and register as Republicans …that would be different and fear might then prevail all the more …to cause him to be taken seriously.

I mean, if Democrats were to stuff and flood the Trump campaign’s war chest like a plastic surgeon works on stuffing a Dolly-Parton-wan’na-be, then fear might still not even have a chance in hell in prevailing …that is any more than people pay to see freaks at a freak show, right? Oh, I forgot; Donald Trump’s TV show, The Apprentice is pretty well funded …in spite of the fact that no one pays to watch it.

I mean, in terms of pride, America …over all could use a face-lift, and who has more to share and distribute than Donald?

However, if American pride depends on Donald Trump; then America …fear for your lives!

Get out and vote!

NATO; Cuba; Bay of Pigs; Libiya; Germany and France

View Hope As Repetitious Annual Deficits?
Can America Afford
to …continue …to …
Execute Effective Foreign Policy
A Strong Homeland Security
In What Was …What is …and What Will Be
…if Not 1st Prepared?
Ready For What?
Sabers Rattle More in the Face of U.S.
Weakness & Vacillation?

If you are not with us …you are against us? Where did I last hear this?

I believe this is what came from President Bush as he led the charge to stand against Iraqi dictator Sadman Hussein in the wake of the Iraqi dictator’s post Quwati invasion’s peace.

Hmm! Noble cause as the president’s charge may have been; as it were, I wonder why the president’s efforts met with so much international indifference and contempt.

For a possible answer, take a look back with me a bit.

In view of the recent celebration of The Bay of Pigs 50th Anniversary last week, I think it altogether fitting to also take a look back at a letter which I wrote around the first part of 2007 …especially since it is also the case that Barack Obama made the decision to essentially dump the Libyan mess into NATO’s lap.

Consider the following as a prefacing introduction prior to any such a look back ward …

Hey Barack! Hey NATO!

I would hope America is ready and willing to take the responsibilities needed to shoulder the burdens of the tasks in Northern Africa. If something is worth doing, it should be worth doing well, yes?

Yet, for all that …the leadership which caused Barack Obama to mount the charge into Libya is one which is also fast wilting and withering on the vine.

This does one thing well. It makes a fine example of an excuse for failing to show the conviction of such a charge’s initial courage and conviction.

The TAX/SPEND or Cut Conundrum?

The Chicken or the Egg Conundrum

As Washington plays CHICKEN WITH AMERICA’S ECONOMY …there’s something missing in the national conversations these days …something more than common sense. Sad to say; that’s a given.

Sadly, that’s also a given which has been politically fostered, channeled and has also been allowed to grow and fester to become a spirit whose source of angst and arguer has created so much frustration and uncertainty …more so than jobs and that which has translated to housing sales.

So, I’d like to add something here which adds more to and along the lines of a question …one which is become hung-up …merely contemplating; “…Which came first, the chicken or the egg?”.

In this regard, I would venture to say that the truth is that Washington is pretty much preoccupied with a truth which …by itself, has revolved around the President’s pre-electioneering speech this last Wednesday …as much …if not more so …the influential conversations in Washington which have been so centered around taxes, revenue, the deficit, and spending and spending cuts.

The adage applies; those who are so wrapped up with themselves make for a small package.

Go figure! It is a multidimensional complex world; isn’t it?

Irrespective of just how much of a part of the needed conversation as these still-unresolved issues are; in the midst of these issues’ conversations’ arguments …there are core-central priorities whose issues are more complex than those like the irreconcilable chicken/egg conundrum.

All anyone with half a brain knows that this conundrum has yet to be resolved.

That’s what it was …what it is …and what it will be.

What I am saying is; it should be abundantly clear that jobs, employment and housing are America’s core golden geese which lay the golden eggs that develop tax revenue as well as GDP.

So, why is Washington so preoccupied in making meager forays into these do-nothing conundrums …Photo Opps and pre-electioneering not withstanding.

Heavy lifting is where it’s at baby; as much as is …arguing over how many angels can dance upon the head of a needle.

Action Jackson. Leave the rhetoric for the nuns …and the nannies.

Thread the eye of a needle …and you can enter into a simpler …more productive opportunity …immediately …as in right now!

Until then …the truth of the Pre-election mantra of “Yes we can.” …will remain; “No, you can’t …haven’t …and won’t …until you demonstrate than you do.”

All else is meaningless lip-service.

Tea Party Serenity: Living A Reality Within One’s Means

Serenity: A Living Reality …One Within One’s Means

Peacefully …in Unity …Prepared to Actually Handle the Affects

of …

Inflation’s Oncoming Reality …Debt Load Costs Not Withstanding

Like the Revolutionary Tea Party of old; there was a certain fight which preceded the peace which resulted from the effort. No pain …no gain.

My father used to say; “…If it is worth keeping; it is worth fighting for …”

Isn’t time to hold our elected servants to this rule …the one which should apply to how much America values fighting for accountability and fiscal responsibility?

Now that America has had almost three years to consider these values; isn’t it just about time we stand up for stronger measures which safeguard such values …those which are worthy of a truly great fight’s effort.

Then, let’s go the distance …even if it takes us the effort to last till the last round, OK?

TKO’d in the 2012th round! How about it America!?

Are you ready for it?

What Goes Around …Shuts It Down

Are not tax receipts scarce enough? Are the costs associated with America’s Public Debt set to rise? Are inflationary pressures subsiding? Will Washington’s willingness to lower taxes gain wisdom and understanding in consideration of the private sector’s power to do the heavy lifting? Will energy costs fall? Will wages rise? Will expendable income go up? Will discretionary spending rise? Is housing making a turn for the better?

How is it that Washington can’t get it?

Are they losing it; or …have they already lost it?

One thing is for sure, the citizenry’s patience is running on empty in the wake of the last few years of shame and blames’ finger pointing.

America can no longer afford to waste time in grasping at straws.

Now …since last November’s mid-terms …even the blame de-jour …The

tea Party is being spun as the lastest in a long line of what is being portrayed as the politically incorrect problem.

Oh Brother, please!

And if today if is not urgent enough; why give and allow politicians the luxury of another opportunity in still …the greater self-service of merly mismanaging one more crisis-management moment?

Now is not the time to allow Congress to kick this growing crisis-in-the-making further down the road.

Today is the crisis when the patient fails to realize the size and scope and the potential of the illness whose grips deciets are stronger than the will of the patient.

America is beset with political pride, and is blind to its ill-borne affects.

Now is not the time to engage in more blame and shame.

Now is not the time to put off until tomorrow what should be done today.

To do so …is to become the problem’s better …most principal part …the cancer which will not go away, but grows faster than the exasperation of the crisis itself …especially in the wake of blame and shame’s pride; the lord of plausible denial …behind which is hinding …no vialbe workable alternative solution.

Today is time to turn on a dime and sieze the day.

And on this dime, isn’t it time to grow our way out of this organically …rather than with smoke and mirrors?

I say that it is time to call a senator or two.

To Teachers Tenured-Non-Performing; “You’re Fired!”

This is shorter than it is sweet, yet it should be just as easy to serve to connect the dots …as it is easy to see how higher priced commodities (…namely escalating oil and gasoline prices) represent a significant quasi tax-like burden. So, in the same light, what I am about to discuss should be equally easy to see how such (like rising oil and gas prices) also poses a significant threat to drag down a healthy economic recovery …all the more …along with the detrimental affects which are associated with a rise in commodity prices.

So, in like fashion, what I am discussing today, will only serve to highlight the exasperating affects of the above commodity-driven affects’ drag on the economy and …moreover …do so in an additive fashion …rather much like explaining and warning of a more real, clear and present danger’s approach.

Taken together these two real threats pose a significant real punitive tax which is now …as it has been …currently working to threaten recovery …pretty much undetected and unchecked …right under our very noses.

And whether or not these threats are taken separately or aggregately …both, when taken together …will combine to form and work together …as a single matter’s impact …forming a double taxation whose hikes, which …when combined will essentially threaten to erode and reduce expendable discretionary personal income …hampering a badly needed healthy economic recovery.

I do not mean to be pessimistic, but the cards have already been stacked against those who have pretty much have chosen to ignore the facts at the …city, county and state-wide levels of government …that is of course …until recently …as can be evidenced by the forces aligning themselves for the real clash in 2012.

Yet, in spite of what appears to be two eight hundred pound gorillas in the room, Americans have been unwilling to take up the conversation at, in and upon the stages of more locally oriented state-wide levels …and; as such, sadly …a less prudent reason has more than all but avoided a more sobering conversation whose time is long over due.

The Demise of QE-2

The Demise of QE-2

Oh, Really?

Speculation and QE-2 Go together like a horse and buggy.

Or was that …like a 1.64 Trillion Dollar deficit and a rather conflicted Federal Reserve?

Or was that like a 3.7 Trillion Dollar Budget and a rather conflicted Congress?

In view of the administration’s disdain for the express will of the people such as became manifest and more than abundantly clear last November…the question remains as to whether or not QE-2 is to go …or stay and become supplanted by what may become QE-3 is anybody’s question …or is it?

Unlike what would otherwise be like a deep black secret …the demise of QE-2 is anything but …beyond top-secret.

Instead, whether QE-2 is to stay or go …is something which Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke is not surprisingly …now, more than less …obligated to disclose openly to the likes of Congress …namely, to satisfy the likes of a more than entitled curiosity …the itchy ears …of the likes of those of Senator Ron Pall not withstanding.

Ben Bernanke; “…unsustainable debt …”

The following are two crisis words.

And …if there ever were two words today which have crisis written all over them …they are those uttered in Congress today!

The following two words which were those spoken loud, strong and clear.

The words were part of an address which characterized U.S. Public Debt as “…unsustainable debt …”

These two words came from The chairman of The Federal Reserve …Ben Bernanke today as the chairman spoke before members of The Senate Banking Committee.

Curiously, what I personally find as being less than sad is Congress’ lack of regard and esteem for tens of millions of voters who …last November, went to the pools to voice their collective, unified singleness of purpose.

By this Ben Bernanke was merely reaffirming the validity of the American voters who sent this massage earlier this last November.

Why should either the President and or Congress need one more man’s word to make the spirit of America’s will any more exact and any more unmistakably clearer?

As such, these two word’s stark reason and reality stand as a slap in my face …all in light of the light-weight approach to this administration’s budget proposal and the Republican-sponsored meager spending cut’s initial proposals.

Such as November’s voice was, such a will can not be allowed to be summarily swept under the rug …dismissed and otherwise marginalizing the will of the American people.

Re.: Monetary and Fiscal Responsibility;

And while bad habits are easily learned and obtained; they are not so easily worked free from …in reversing their affects’ impacts.

These take prayer and fasting.

Take a rather strange lesson from an otherwise foreign focus and vision …one generated in mixing an atmosphere of strong necessity with one of equally strong discipline and regimented resolve.

That’s why the Germans have been rather more successful in adopting …with their engrained mind-set of discipline …a more prudent and reasonable rationale in their approach to borrowing limits …capping their annual budget deficits and public debt to correspond to certain guidelines which pertain to strict percentage-based guidelines of their economy’s actual performance …foregoing the urge to bet on the come …as it were …as hope seems to have become warped here in America.

This more responsible sort of balanced approach to fiscal due diligence and disciplined oversight of the budget processes returns a service to the people of Germany which kind of reminds me of the purpose which the President’s Pay Czar was intended to serve …

…Namely that of accountability …in light of an emphasis which was supposed to be centered about openness and clarity.

No Child Left …or Right; Get Behind Me!

The three year anniversary marking the release and launch of Obama campaign slogan rhetoric; “Yes We Can!” is quickly approaching and one thing America has realized is…

No We Can’t!!!