In time, what’s the big deal if the net affect of giving up a measly tax credit or two offers big oil the opportunity to reap a harvest …allowing them to play an even greater (dominant) role in developing bridge fuel technologies after a cogress which is fiscally addicted to a Fed’s accomodative weak dollar (deficit- driven) fiscal irresponsibility.
As a politician, any one can survive …as long as one can maintain a
-like populist stance.
But, in reality; a well known man once said;
“You may fool all the people some of the time, you can even fool some of the people all of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all the time.â€
So, seriously; don’t be agitated, and for goodness sakes don’t be aggrevated.
For there are and have been many …who for years, it can be seen …have been pretty good at knowing how to peddle snake oil.
So, don’t be taken in unaware …by the very sensual and emotional nature of all their promises’ appeals and charms.
So, be sharp as a two edged sword, because you will need the truth to deal with whatever may be in each chamelions’ reptilian repitoir …populist non-sense not withstanding.
Care for some nice shinny rubby red apples, deary?
Don’t fall into a pit.
Become organized and plan to vote come 2012.
Above all, don’t confuse a community agitator with a community organizer.
Bottom line; don’t be fooled by a chameleon.
Chameleons crawl on their bellies like a snake …or any other reptile.
And while they pretend to speak for all …they speak for no one but themselves.
O Joshua!