Either Trough and The Political Boffins Therein

Any Trough and The Political Boffins Therein

I was listening to a discussion on a financial news network the other day which focused on S&P’s downgrade. As it was, the topic turned to a consideration of how a country should use its debt.

And invariably, the discussion’s topic landed on the issue’s which centered around about what could and should be done to bolster both growth and ensuring that public policy establish a solid foundation which could rebuild confidence to translate hope into a lasting, widespread organic economic recovery.

Without such there will likely be no broader manifestation of any growth …let alone an increased sense of prosperity.

As the discussion progressed, it focused upon an issue in which the debate’s concerns arrived at what actually makes for a return on investment …I.E; …the bang for the buck ..which is …of course …in essence …is an issue of the value of the dollar.

As it were, the discussion turned to regard the value of the various uses of public debt as an economic and a political tool.

Waxing Righteously Upon the Backs of Parables

Waxing Righteously Upon the Backs of Parables

I find it an interesting objective commentary to closely view and scrutinize the observations and comments of third-parties’ consternations….the lowest form of which is otherwise known as gossip.

My case in point today is one which I have deliberately chosen to make, taking it from a lesson which came to mind in a lesser-known and seldom quoted Biblical parable …one which chillingly reminds me of the today’s events and affects of all things European.

The Achilles Heel of Capitalism

The Achilles Heel of Capitalism

What is the Achilles Heel of Capitalism?

a. Too big to fail

b. Too small to succeed

c. No due diligence, oversight and accountability

d. All of the above

Mutually Inclusive or Exclusive?

Is The Failure of Capitalism …Too Big To Fail?

If the failure of Capitalism is deep seated in “…too big to fail …” where is China on a scale of 1 to 10?

The U.S.has long promoted …if not flirted with too big to fail. Yet, in spite of the recent past’s intertwined financial catastrophes …the U.S.A. is still …reluctantly unwilling to demonstrate an ability to adequately exercise the sort of responsible constraints and policies necessary to fully come to grips with the realities and consequences still facing her in the wake of her failures …both in the here and now, as well as with many compounding issues which will extend out like an outstreched long hand …well into the future.

Like road bumps and pot holes; the catalysts of America’s most recent failures are …those which have produced some most revealing wake up calls.

Know What I Mean Maynard?

  Know What I Mean Maynard?         Dear Vern, Do you recognize the following quote? “The market can remain irrational longer than you can stay solvent.” It […]

S&P Grade; Looking A Gift Horse In The Mouth

Friday evening, I was reading and listening to as many media resources …such as I could get my hands on …so as to get a grasp on the various media takes on the recent S&P downgrade of America’s Credit.

My take away from the deluge of the various news agencies offered me a unique and insightful view on number of wide-ranging variety of takes on this news moving forward.

After learning of this event; this is what I believe I found out in my approach to the media’s window

The Costs of Artificial Global Monetary Policies

Is Down The New Organic?

Not Hardly!!!

Or, Is Down The Demise …of A New More Organic Reality …One Forever Gone Missing?

If So, Then, Falling Is A Price For Artificial’s Failing

…A Boldfaced Lie!


After All, Make The Bed — Sleep In It.


Artificial Global Monetary Policies — A Bed Too Narrow …Too Short.

A Squeeze Which Can Not Be Covered

The long-winded title of this piece is a forward looking opportunity whose reality may only be realized …if and only if ….global artificial monetary policy is taken …seriously …within respect to the proportionally larger object in our rear view mirror.

So, as woe be Europe and the other global economies …woe be US.

Artificial Monetary policy applies to the title in that it could also be titled more appropriately; What Goes Around …Comes Around.

So, in the wake of QE-1&2 …just when you thought that it was safe to go into the water …..jaws-III European and World style!!!

Dwarf that …if you care to try!!!