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Tuesday, February 26, 2013
Is Today like all other Times…?
Time to Pay No Attention to the Man
A. Behind the Curtain …
B. Behind the Pumps …
C. Behind the Horse …
D Behind the Times Whatever…?
Or is it …
Or is it …Resolved; Insanity’s hope and Change will forever be …
Just a time ad nauseum …as if chained to a definition whose hope and change are limited to obsessive compulsive fixations which choose to define the limits of said hope and change within a single one-dimensional context whose proposals always will be doing no more than more of the same old thing?
Drive on Driver!?
Note, that while I may not wholeheartedly agree that variety is the spice of life …monotony most definitely makes for a bland and dull diet …even if and when its service is spoon fed …one tank after another.
However, in keeping pace with the times where the “same-old-same-o” seems likely to be the norm for a long time to come …looking backwards to the dawn of the turn of the previous millennium, consumers have been given few, if but one viable choice with which to fuel their vehicles.
Moving forward a hundred years, isn’t it just about more than past time to take a giant leap forward and break truly free of the chains of bondage which hold our nation captive …those which now are conspiring to keep us bound to this uni-fuel’s mindless construct …lined up at the pump like sheep for the slaughter?
I choose to use the word construct because it smacks of a design whose time has come, served its purpose …yet now, is more and more serving to bind consumers to in an unhealthy and un-holy allegiance which no longer bears a semblance of service more than impoverished slavery.
Is this service becoming of hope and change? I rather think not.
By this, I mean to say; those who were indeed …once lord (consumers) have now become eternal servant-slaves …and have been taken …have fallen backward …and have been broken upon a certain rock …now, being taken …are captive …trapped by one who was a servant …at one time, but has now usurped land, deed and title; and has set itself King and Lord over all others …perhaps both church and state.
Without a choice, member-consumers have been brought and made low …to bow down before a mono-exo–a-theistic power fuel …crude oil.
And as long as crude can ex-clude all other members’ entrance; ENTRANCED it will continue to enjoy the trappings which have forever-long accrued the industry its solely-reserved privileged opportunity …THAT of its dominant position to control supply …despite any varied conditions of demand …namely the pinnacle advantage to CHIEFLY command and dictate PRICE …that which is exacted from we, the servants …regardless the pain of whose portion has become a mere cold economic data point …a squeezable variable quotient …a disconcerting unknown factor …that which directly affects and impacts one’s expendable income …and like a meteor’s crater …can leave a large whole in one’s life style …by reason of what historically is becoming a larger portion of that which is paid …is taken …and exacted at the pump …mostly because consumers’ imaginations have been deliberately led to believe “…their is no other way …no other choice.” And in this manner, consumer’s imaginations have successfully been narrowed and stifled …for lack of an imaginable alternative reason in which they could ever believe to find greater promises in a more viable hope’s alternative.
Having said that, know this; while choice may be the god-send of the consumer …CHOICE IS THE DEVIL of Major Oil.
No wonder that it could be argued that the “…the devil is in the details …”
Any uncertainty …any regulatory hurdles ….and anything fearfully which has promise to diminish the viability of CNG’s clarity will most assuredly be certain to favor the self-serving interests of Major Oil and the Congressional members they have SUCCESSFULLY lobbied and bought to insure that CNG …as a choice, is kept off the shelves and out of fuel terminals and stations which should and could otherwise serve consumers …chiefly by freeing up their expendable incomes power (for the first time) to historically revitalize and fuel an otherwise less than robust economy.
Think of the historical impact that …putting a waste fuel to work would have.
Think of the impact a TRULY PRIVATE SECTOR SOLUTION WOULD HAVE …that to lessen the government’s reliance upon what has chiefly been an over reliance upon its whatever (chiefly pro large government) that it takes; spun to mean “…all things artificial …” within its narrowly defined and bureaucratically refined stifling attitude.
Keep in mind, when private sector earns the reward of its incentives …growth reflects organic confidence.
But America has had more than a nose full of its addictions to governmental destruction which has all but dismantled the confidence of the private sector …resulting in a marked lack thereof …one of the many things this administration is not now taking credit for having invented …produced …stimulated …or otherwise pulled out of its …errr, ahhH …well its hat.
Like Al Gore’s claim to have been the inventor of the internet, or …like, Michelle Obama’s having claimed to cure childhood obesity, the government is not the solution in most cases.
As Ronald Regan once said; “Government is not the solution, it is the problem.â€
Simply limit government …like term limits …like the budget …like spending …like deficits …like taxation …like …like …like …till there is more freedom to solve our problems privately.
In any contrasting proof which stands to the contrary, robust growth will and always has come from the private sector …all the more whenever government has gotten out of the way of the private sector.
When that happens, it is like; build it and they will come.
And government does, a resulting economic boom might give cause to the Federal Reserve …enough so as that it just might have to exercise one of its two (express) mandates which favors a strong dollar …that with which it is chartered to control and check inflation.
That said; keep in mind, any likely benefit of any application of the Fed’s likely ancillary response to (what it may likely deem as …) inflation may likely come forth of its reluctant manifestation …by way of an approach to an appearance of a threat of an application of its most retarding agents …and that also within another rather subdued controlled context …as if it were actually more prepared to respond to any unlikely actual occurrence of an outbreak of rampant growth which would or could come close to bearing any resemblance to what may …might, can or could be termed “Robust.â€
In contrast to what generosity Treasury has used to equip the Fed, Robust seems to me as a contradiction in terms …even when compared to Hank Paulsen’s use of the term “Bazooka.â€
But rather than entertain the considerations and affects that follow such a term as robust, when applied to the matter of spending, I would ask that any considerations which regard any context of organic inflation …that they all be kept and held in abeyance, at least as much as in and with respect to the manner in which the government has pretty much left the Private Sector’s solution on the back burner …in the same state of limbo’s abeyance …I.E., for a later discussion …which I take up later, in a brief and succinct mention here below.
At the Heart of Any Choice, Namely Competition …& Contemplation of Price
None the less, consumers may soon have the choice major oil companies don’t want to offer their captivated customers to have …namely (CNG) Compressed Natural Gas.
Even after factoring in state and federal taxes, CNG’s (GGE) Gas Gallon Equivalent will cost consumers approximately $1.45.
This does not take one to much time to realize why major oil will stop at nothing to thwart this viable clean alternative fuel’s solution from destroying the precipice from which they essentially have maintained the chain of command from within which they have dictated what price all shall pay without a choice.
Curious, is it not? I thought competition was the American way.
None the less, as consumers are becoming more aware of what is available …things are rapidly changing as a pure function of demand.
To date …to service a growing demand, there are currently two types of CNG conversions available. One is utterly cost prohibitive due to several regulatory restrictions and requirements which require an installation costing in excess of $7,500 per vehicle.
The other conversion is thus far less hampered by regulatory oversight and costs much less …approximately $ 800.00.
The latter is quite impressive, safe, reliable, flexible …easily installed and has become well proven for some time.
(I personally would like to be certain that there is a safety shut-off and alert feature which could be used to drive a shut-off solenoid in the event of a seep or leak. Hate to blow up my garage for no good reason.)
None the less, I can’t wait for the day when I will be able to sign a two year contract with a company who will install and maintain their compressor-filling solution outside of my garage.
All I would need is a small 75-90 mile capacity tank which I could recharge after returning home.
Any trip beyond this, and I need merely flip a switch …or, turn a knob; and immediately …without skipping a beat, I would be driving on gasoline again.
Back and forth …back and forth; either or is merely a matter of my choice to …lift a finger …which is much more than major oil seems willing to do for me in a contrasting measure of their considerations given to serve me.
Speaking of consideration, imagine this:
A CDMA wireless device that monitors and keeps a watchful eye on the status, condition and state of the compressor’s filling solution’s equipment as well as keeps tabs of my personal usage …sending me notices of any maintenance actions necessary (and a an app which sends me a note apprising me of these action’s scheduled calendar date) as well as my billing summary well ahead of the one I will actually pay to …say, Western Resources …or, perhaps …Kansas Gas Services.
Think of the opportunity to go on line and confirm and reconcile the two statements. That’s a unique measure of added oversight.
Filer up …and stick it to OPEC.
Now that is what I call accountability on a truly feel-good international stage.
I believe it is a stage upon whose play will play out in a production called …A Return to Sovereignty …act three …where dolly gets her oats.
I can smell a stronger dollar already …and it smells like CNG …a winner if ever there was one well beyond avant-garde.
One Problem …the Paradox
One problem, though …a Strong dollar (seemingly) runs contrary to where all of the Fed’s and Treasury’s hope lies in that which they seemingly have been willing to sow into the gardens of their entertainment …the single solution sown by growing nothing but our nation’s ginormous debt …and that has been their very clear, single and deliberate choice …the most narrow of direct manners to inflate the liberal’s administration’s appeal to power in a way out from under its debt laden hopes that it may finally YES we can …primarily …do “WHATEVER IT TAKES” simply by deliberately weakening the dollar’s strength …an individual’s purchasing power …regardless of race, creed, sex, class, or whether one’s income is fixed, middle class or …whatever it takes.
So …don’t blame me if you don’t smell the CNG too soon.
It’s a Wizard of Oz conundrum …like; pay no attention to the Gas behind the curtain.
The motive for my post above comes from having met with and listened to a man who is pioneering a viable CNG solution forAmerica.
Interesting enough, the man and mind spring behind my post has had years of experience working with various compressor technologies …having personally owned a variety of industrial compressors manufactured by companies located in China, India, and South America …all of which (…he indicated) suffered from various design and or component weaknesses of one form or another.
Drawing upon his extensive experience with these compressors’ known weaknesses, he compiled a wish-list …as it were, and developed a compressor design based upon a good number of design criteria and specifications of his own choosing.
After achieving what he believed was a better mousetrap, he approached a domestic US manufacturer …and engaged in a partnership which originally resulted in producing three prototypes …and later, a subsequent first-production run of twenty (I believe is the correct number …but don’t quote me) compressors …many of which are now in the field.
These original units are now serving as his test bed that is feeding a database which is collecting a number of important criteria relating to product safety as well as design and component quality and reliability …efforts, all of which will continue to establish and raise his compressor’s minimum run time intervals (TBOs) Time Before failure/Overhaul as and where improvements may be warranted.
Obviously, normal wear and tear maintenance issues are crucial elements which needs must form the basis of consumer product safety issues …those like reliability and quality. These must be proven and run in continuously. As is, it has been my experience that these issues have more than adequately preoccupied my friend’s leading concerns in all of his projects’ many matters.
Product safety is only as good as one’s due diligence, and one’s due diligence is only as good as the attention given to the weakest link.
In this regard, I have been more than adequately impressed with my friend’s progress and product development. Their is too much in the way of public safety not to take a stake in a diligence that dictates an order of attention to detail which demands the most stringent and rigorous adherence to the highest safety standards.
In order to achieve a merit of equal product reliability …one reaps no more than he sows.
That said, the approach which I have seen fist hand, demonstrates to me that it’s design takes a hard line at achieving success …a goal which shares an attitude of equal regard for every consideration of the public’s safety …an approach to success wherein attitude is thoroughly consistent throughout, from compressor …to fuel filler hardware, compressor design, along all of the product’s underlying supporting technical arts and technologies …as well as with all of the conversion’s components and safety backup systems.
The project’s owner driver has literally put all of his thought processes, know-how, effort, time and money into an investment where his design, approach and ethical approach to his business in a manner which will stand to speak of the project’s merits itself …not withstanding, how well this will reflect upon the city ofWichita.
That said, new leadership technology which has the merit to stand and speak of promise …will always be tested and proven first before being taken forward to serve the public’s better good, but the greatest opportunity which will pull the better of these tests to the forefront of the public’s attention ….are those driven by consumer demand …those which are actually capable beyond their time and promise.
Such as this one is; its time is coming to make a difference which will stand and deliver more for less …to the widest cross section …doing so by offering important factors like ….quality ….like reliability …for consumers who, most of all, desire the FREEDOM which offers the greatest ACCESS …through choice …delivered conveniently ….at THE right price ….a preferred choice rather than to continue to sit and allow OPEC to DICTATE it …its price …to US without …as though I should be satisfied, complacent and thankful that I have at least one choice.
Yes, in this regard; I am thankful that I have, at the very least …one fuel to choose.
But, major oil and OPEC will never prevent me from dreaming of my desire to have a choice …one which delivers a better price by reason of greater competition.
Above all, one can always be thankful …for the opportunity to live in a country which …above all …knows and understands the benefits of an open market place in which the affects of HEALTHY competition efficiently impacts price far above and beyond that wherein which a monopolistic schemes yield a harvest for a few in an environment contrived by equally well designed and artificially controlled ways and means.
Can you say quality control without being given a choice?
If not, stand up. Seek a new choice. Make a better one which will actually make a significance.
Above all, do not settle for less …for less than one is now becoming none …as in no choice.
Given in this regard, why continue to drive more and enjoy it less?
Bottom line, choice should be a gas …and its suppliers; servants, not lords.
Make the choice …build the desire …demand the details …and the bridge …it will come.
Drive on driver!
Drive over to a brighter new day dawning.