Example One = Job One: An Embrace & Esteem of What Is Systemically Too Big To Fail; Namely …Ownership!

  Based upon a letter written on Tuesday, February 5th 2008 Friday, January 07th, 2011 Final Revision:     Sunday  January, 9th, 2011 I offer my deepest sympathies to the […]

Is Mr. Boehner, A Declaration of Ballance Rather Than Currency Wars? I Sure Hope So!!!

The following post is a revised form of a short letter that I sent out by e-mailed on Saturday, November 22, 2008.

At the time I originally wrote this, the VIX was at a 15 year high levels …if not, indeed …at an all-time high.

See: investopedia for a definition of the index called …The VIX.

This look back, perhaps is more relavent today than it was then in terms of what world economies are doing now to cope and struggle with how to service their respective sovereign debts and the debt loads which to a degree impinges upon and impacts a government’s annual budgets.

Among the factors mentioned above …there are considerable other weights associated with debt, spending and taxation …which must be juggled and ballanced symulteneously …in order to achieve a measure of responsible fiscal accountability.

To this end, these issues beg the questons as to how to deliver and reduce domestic spending while, at the same time …increase notable measures of austerity in a way so as to adequately address and alliviate the mess of bebt’s growing stresses..

Taking the osterich approach in “WHATEVER” is no longer a healthy option.

And we have to realize that we no longer can ill-afford to; “…have your cake and eat it too …”

Certainly, these difficult tasks conflict more and more withn the frameworks of a social system …one in which a more European public mind-set is historically conditoned …one which became strongly dependant upon looking to the government to deliever publicly chartered, socially mandated, obligatory goods, services and easy hand-out-like solutions.

One needs only look to the riots in Greece to realize what impact austerity has upon a socially conditioned mind-set.

Spare the rod and see what happens to a spoiled child …uh huh.

Yet, austere measures add to the challenge the questions as to how a socialist form of government can deal with its debt issues …while maintaing a grip on the means to coax their economies back to healthy recovery.

So, today in view of the change in leadership in our House of Representatives …I choose to go back into my archives …particularly because, we here in America …have an increasingly wonderful and new opportunity to embrace the new Speaker of the House Mr. John Boehner John Boehner – 8th District of Ohio in all the potential of promise which Mr. Boehner’s acceptance speach holds for America.

For, if he is indeed a man of his words …and I truly believe that he is all that and more; America is now on a track to a more certain properity.

As Representative Boehner declared strongly …he made spending cuts an express matter of America’s top priority.

This primary expression is a credible real opportunity which is cause for cheer and hope in that it brings to the forefront of the national conversation …for the first time …in a long time …the preimenence of an order for a matter of urgent priority …the order of spending cuts …not merely paultry reduced soending.

Mr. Boehner’s deliberate choice characterize this single matter in a recognition of its detrimental nature …and thus, Mr. Speaker declared spending cuts America’s number one matter of extreme urgency.

Therefore, it is refreshingly fitting that his game plan also receive its due recognition as an urgent priority …a plan, which …when placed in motion …will have the wieght, and the substance to produce massive …badly needed inertia.

And this is the sort of potential power …by a measure of which will posses the kenetic energy nesessary to lift heavy burdens off the shoulders of “…We the People …” possibly for the first time in perhaps …over thirty years.

Prosperity is on the way in this sort of game plan people.

And although spending cuts are not an end-all means by allbeit by itself; it is none-the-less …a good front end beginning from which and with which to compliment an approach of a whole host of other private sector incentives.

Public solutions …we just can not afford …nor the time which we have already squandered.

Such private sector combinations …are those solutions which will fill the nation’s tax coffers with needed tax revenue …not generated by debt sources …but by fertile domestic rich resources …organicly derived from an economicly revived incentivized economy.

This kind of approach is full of promise …in ways and means to organically produce hightened economic velocity …robustly grown and aided by offering a cultivated fertile ground …prepared with the fertilzer of favor which efficiently stimulates gowth environments with ecouragement rather than penalty.

In order to grow the economy …the mentality of any sucessful environment condusive of growth …is one which understands the values of attitude and principals of patience …those requiring time between when one sows and the season when one reaps.

Make no doubt, there are cycles and seasons in such.

But they are according to an order which has a priority in a time-honored purpose.

Therefore, make no mistake about the priority of what is esteemed in this order which involves patience and perserverance; in that …he which sows debt …shall reap also sparingly …in that debt, and he which sows bountifully …being a cheerful sower …doing so without necessity …and without obligation (in and with an understanding of incentive) …he shall reap also bountifully.

So let us give by sowing …by planting our seed into our fertile life-giving domestic field’s …into prepared soil …our seeds …seeds which produces return domestically …rather than reward our creditors abroad …those who have been lining up to strip us of ours …an otherwise rightful prosperity and the abundance of all our necessity.

To Speaker Boehner I say; Be not weary in well in well doing Sir, for we know that in due season …we shall reap …if we faint not.

…good measure …press down …shaken together and running over shall men give unto your bossom …

Take heart and enjoy the following look back to November 2008 ….and faint not!!!


Written: November 22, 2008 …partially revised January 06, 2011

Are GSEs …Freddie and Fannie on Track to Collide with Public’s Interest; Hurtling Toward an Anti Trust Suit?

> Since when did it become pc for Uncle Sam to believe …that it is in the public’s better interest for the public to shoulder this mess …leaving the tax-payer with the burden to carry …the impact of those its deemed NOT too-big-to-fail?
> I would suppose it impossible to expect that the Obama administration would call for an anti-trust suit to break up their ballance sheets.
> But maybe the Tea Party could take up the call and make a charge to assail both parts (both sides of the isle in Washington) whose lesser wills have promoted this mess.
> After all, if our major body politic won,t take up the fight for “…We the People …” Maybe that which is least willwash our feet instead.

The Desicration of Christmas? Oh well; play it again Sam!

Well, in the wake of the latest Case Schiller Report on housing …it seems that this one’s lack-luster report served economists (…one after another) with plenty of opportunity to pen a plethora of reports which have …in true cookie cutter fashion formed a chorus whose concern …in unison, harmonized to produce a variety of singals which are warning of the possiblilities of a double dip in a housing market.

These economist’s reports are speaking of the possibilities for record level mortgage defaults in the coming year in a double dip market.

Lip Service? …or, Unity & Agreement …Purpose Both Won!!!

Not long ago, a wise man once said: You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time.”

Today, approval ratings stand to reflect that Americans are not fooed by all the hpye coming our of Washington in the wake of what is being characterized by outspoken politicians as a compromise.

This is the sort of charade which …overwhelming, growing numbers of Americans are growing weary of …and have voiced their strong disapproval of in regards to those in Washington who still seem to feel it necessary to continue to engage in endless, disingenuous grandstanding …bickering along party lines …arriving at conclusions in self-deluded summaries which stop at nothing to assume that they are the savior of all America’s woes …in spite of …and in view of stiff opposition whose interests are contrasted to Americas better interests..

The True Essence of O. …Half Hearted Reluctance or Merely Party Generated Scritpt?

Thursday, December 09, 2010   The True Essence of O. . …Half-Hearted Reluctance or …Just Plain Party Script?   Preface: As  a  trained, detail-oriented technician, I have been made to […]

Ax the Home Mortgage Interest Deduction?

Stimulation vs. Depression

One moment it’s stimulate; the next it’s depress.

So what’s next; more uncertainty?

That would be good for housing and employment now, wouldn’t it?

CNBC; you can’t seem to make a consistent supportive call toward private sector solution in many of your segments …”The Call” not withstanding ….at least not in one viable practical solution which validly is capable to consider that which promotes the rights of the individual over and above the needs of the state …our Beggar and Beggar-like …Big Brother.

Which came first; the individual or Big Brother?

Read the constitution if you can’t answer this without hesitation.

I don’t know; but, the last time I checked …the government was ordained and establish to serve the needs of the individual …and not vice versa.

I know! I’ve lived in a few countries where the worker served the state …mostly without a single shred of private incentive.

CNBC, since when did the servant become the lord here?

Make no mistake about it; I do not work or live to serve you either!

Likewise, in your discussion of: Tax Incentives & Reward vs. Tax Penalties …I have to ask; …where is the slightest mention of the private incentives’ side of you conversation gone hidden?

Me rather thinks that you have deliberately, blindly …or otherwise stuffed this more meaningful other side of the discussion into a little black box and carefully placed it in the back of a dimly lit room?


Make no mistake …the answer which serves the private sector a better solution …most certainly does not lie in the public solution.

But in as far as …so much potential as the private side of the equation has …why have the other (still bigger government and its needs) so swamped out the interests of “…We the People …?”

Why then has this lop-sided conversation’s considerations continued unchecked along such detrimental lines?

So, rather than continue to be blind-sided; I must ask ….

So, who’s on your side? Who’s got your back? Whose interests are being served here in this lop-sided discussion?

What’s to loose?

The rights of the individual …or the needs of a failed ,,,self-serving government hell-bent on establishing and moving forward a socially engineered new liberal order?


To America, in regard to Her …The Deficit Commission …I say;

Beware, do not become the administration’s next …

New Whipping Boys …the next one gone up …given upon the Chopping Block …much without so much a consideration of what actually works to move freedom forward efficiently …alas; the demise and power of private enterprise …up in smoke.

For an example of the impact of taxation; see the causes of “The Great Depression.”