Usama Bin Laden; The Weapons of Our Warfare

Extremists and Despots vs. Truth and Vigil

The Weapons of Our Warfare Are Mighty

When extremists attack a problem with forceful lies and deceit, they often do so in order to achieve an objective with the least amount of resistance, harnessing the greatest discontent as quickly as possible through a narrow well chosen gate.

In this, then means of arriving at a desired end is deliberately caused by channeling an emotion response toward containment.

Despots have no solution …only the desire to throw rocks in a glass house without regard for the truth.

Beware! The more obvious the truth; the bolder the lie …even when the truth is plainer than the nose on one’s face. The admission of nothing is a form of denial which is the leading symptom of deceit …the symptom of a lie …counter accusations not withstanding.

APaPaPa-Paulded by the Sense of the Lame

If Superman Can’t Logically Run His Own House …

Why Should I Believe His Cryptic, Mystical Pretzel Logic Will Run Mine …

With or Without Better Due Respect?

Recently, I received a letter from a man by the name of John Tate. The petition request’s letter identified Mr. Tate as The President of Campaign\ for Liberty. The rather large letter came in a manila envelope along with a solicitation requesting money for my support of a bill which the letter indicates is before both the House and the Senate.

This bill is being sponsored in the House by U.S. Congressman Ron Paul of the 14th Congressional District of Texas and in the Senate by Congressman Ron Paul’s son, the freshman Senator from Kentucky, Rand Paul …an Ophthalmologist from Boling Green.

Sideline Issues -Presidential Races within the Republican/Tea Party side of the isle

See also:

Rubico – Rand Paul

Just in case you are wondering; I put your petition through my shredder and then flushed it down my toilet.

After all, if iron sharpens iron; that is definitely where it belongs.

Pity! Seems like a damned fine waste of good paper …Kum Bah Ya!

Windfall Profits Tax vs. An Oil Lobby = Why Term Limits

Windfall Profits Tax vs. An Oil Lobby

or …

Standing in the Way of Choice

A growing discontentment is leading to calls for a windfall profits tax which is translating to political rhetoric in what may likely come from Washington’s knee-jerk reaction to manipulate and profit from a growing dissatisfaction fueled by fuel price shock.

It should be easy to clearly see that such groundswells’ calls are likely to be arduously opposed and met with indirect counter offers in open invitations by oil lobbyists’ whose efforts it will be …to try and change your congressional representatives’ minds.

Like …that isn’t or wouldn’t be an indirect opportunity to serve any Senator to make a discrete invitation in the form of an unsolicited call for additional campaign contributions …or, what?

So far, The Senate (unlike The House) has pretty much refused to speak about …much less, consider Nat Gas.

Poor old Liberty! Where are her choices gone?

Demand Destruction Vs. Washington’s Lip Service

Choice seems to favor liberty. I know, I have visited and lived in communistic and former communist sattelite countries.
However, America has not and is not truly taking advantage of its diverse energy resources.
Likewise, in spite of the fact that America has long known that it has an energy problem; America has failed to become busy in a meaningful manner which agreesively promotes a build-out of a wider energy infrustructure.
Evidently, America’s policy makers do not share industries desire to actually ernestly desire to achieve energy independence.
In view of this failure to redeem the time; Washington seems to me …more willing to invite any policy detrimental or otherwise …which is cabalbe of weaking the dollar and thus fan the flames of inflation …still further than whatever means the Federal Reserve Chairman, Ben Bernanke has at his disposal …in his near empty arsenal.
Such poor policy choices as it is make for a lack of choice though. And, in my humble opinion …threatens Homeland Security in a way which most people are being taken unawares.
As such, America’s (comprehensive???) energy policy (…or, lack thereof …) reflect a sad lack of consideraton for Lady Liberty which is consistent with Washington’s lack of esteem for what should, otherwise be delivering …service by Her duely elected public servants.
Sadly, in the absence of an adequate abundance …let alone …a bare minimum of any due measure of what responsible considerations should otherwise be offering America Her the badly needed due diligent of responsible service; Wahsinton’s lack of esteem in its lax regard …is failing to promote a healthy energy independence …and have pretty much dropped the ball. “Yes (…Barack …) you have …!”

The TAX/SPEND or Cut Conundrum?

The Chicken or the Egg Conundrum

As Washington plays CHICKEN WITH AMERICA’S ECONOMY …there’s something missing in the national conversations these days …something more than common sense. Sad to say; that’s a given.

Sadly, that’s also a given which has been politically fostered, channeled and has also been allowed to grow and fester to become a spirit whose source of angst and arguer has created so much frustration and uncertainty …more so than jobs and that which has translated to housing sales.

So, I’d like to add something here which adds more to and along the lines of a question …one which is become hung-up …merely contemplating; “…Which came first, the chicken or the egg?”.

In this regard, I would venture to say that the truth is that Washington is pretty much preoccupied with a truth which …by itself, has revolved around the President’s pre-electioneering speech this last Wednesday …as much …if not more so …the influential conversations in Washington which have been so centered around taxes, revenue, the deficit, and spending and spending cuts.

The adage applies; those who are so wrapped up with themselves make for a small package.

Go figure! It is a multidimensional complex world; isn’t it?

Irrespective of just how much of a part of the needed conversation as these still-unresolved issues are; in the midst of these issues’ conversations’ arguments …there are core-central priorities whose issues are more complex than those like the irreconcilable chicken/egg conundrum.

All anyone with half a brain knows that this conundrum has yet to be resolved.

That’s what it was …what it is …and what it will be.

What I am saying is; it should be abundantly clear that jobs, employment and housing are America’s core golden geese which lay the golden eggs that develop tax revenue as well as GDP.

So, why is Washington so preoccupied in making meager forays into these do-nothing conundrums …Photo Opps and pre-electioneering not withstanding.

Heavy lifting is where it’s at baby; as much as is …arguing over how many angels can dance upon the head of a needle.

Action Jackson. Leave the rhetoric for the nuns …and the nannies.

Thread the eye of a needle …and you can enter into a simpler …more productive opportunity …immediately …as in right now!

Until then …the truth of the Pre-election mantra of “Yes we can.” …will remain; “No, you can’t …haven’t …and won’t …until you demonstrate than you do.”

All else is meaningless lip-service.

Tea Party Serenity: Living A Reality Within One’s Means

Serenity: A Living Reality …One Within One’s Means

Peacefully …in Unity …Prepared to Actually Handle the Affects

of …

Inflation’s Oncoming Reality …Debt Load Costs Not Withstanding

Like the Revolutionary Tea Party of old; there was a certain fight which preceded the peace which resulted from the effort. No pain …no gain.

My father used to say; “…If it is worth keeping; it is worth fighting for …”

Isn’t time to hold our elected servants to this rule …the one which should apply to how much America values fighting for accountability and fiscal responsibility?

Now that America has had almost three years to consider these values; isn’t it just about time we stand up for stronger measures which safeguard such values …those which are worthy of a truly great fight’s effort.

Then, let’s go the distance …even if it takes us the effort to last till the last round, OK?

TKO’d in the 2012th round! How about it America!?

Are you ready for it?

What Goes Around …Shuts It Down

Are not tax receipts scarce enough? Are the costs associated with America’s Public Debt set to rise? Are inflationary pressures subsiding? Will Washington’s willingness to lower taxes gain wisdom and understanding in consideration of the private sector’s power to do the heavy lifting? Will energy costs fall? Will wages rise? Will expendable income go up? Will discretionary spending rise? Is housing making a turn for the better?

How is it that Washington can’t get it?

Are they losing it; or …have they already lost it?

One thing is for sure, the citizenry’s patience is running on empty in the wake of the last few years of shame and blames’ finger pointing.

America can no longer afford to waste time in grasping at straws.

Now …since last November’s mid-terms …even the blame de-jour …The

tea Party is being spun as the lastest in a long line of what is being portrayed as the politically incorrect problem.

Oh Brother, please!

And if today if is not urgent enough; why give and allow politicians the luxury of another opportunity in still …the greater self-service of merly mismanaging one more crisis-management moment?

Now is not the time to allow Congress to kick this growing crisis-in-the-making further down the road.

Today is the crisis when the patient fails to realize the size and scope and the potential of the illness whose grips deciets are stronger than the will of the patient.

America is beset with political pride, and is blind to its ill-borne affects.

Now is not the time to engage in more blame and shame.

Now is not the time to put off until tomorrow what should be done today.

To do so …is to become the problem’s better …most principal part …the cancer which will not go away, but grows faster than the exasperation of the crisis itself …especially in the wake of blame and shame’s pride; the lord of plausible denial …behind which is hinding …no vialbe workable alternative solution.

Today is time to turn on a dime and sieze the day.

And on this dime, isn’t it time to grow our way out of this organically …rather than with smoke and mirrors?

I say that it is time to call a senator or two.

Boeing’s Sandwich Recipe For Southwest Air

Boeing’s Recipe for a Southwest’s Sandwich

Addendum to Southwest Air:

An electronic capacitor is formed much like a sandwich …by taking one layer of meat and covering both of its sides with two layers of a common substance such as bread.

In an aircraft, when two layers of aluminum (which are analogous to two slices of bread) are separated by a layer of undesirable moisture …something has to give when the moisture becomes a solid.

After all, when condensation becomes ice, its covalent bonding causes its mass to expand.

The resultant increased volume acts like a lever in between this unlikely composite of aluminum layers.

And as a result, a work occurs which affects the primary fasteners which are designed to hold these aluminum sandwiches together.

What’s Next; a Tripple Dip or a Fire Sale?
