Campaign Finance …
A Matter of …A Question of Balance
Sovereign Interests For Sale
To the Highest Bidder
Our Alies Be Dammed …for What; 30 Pieces of Silver?
GeoPolitical Economic Financial Trends in Perspective
Campaign Finance …
A Matter of …A Question of Balance
Sovereign Interests For Sale
To the Highest Bidder
Our Alies Be Dammed …for What; 30 Pieces of Silver?
If Superman Can’t Logically Run His Own House …
Why Should I Believe His Cryptic, Mystical Pretzel Logic Will Run Mine …
With or Without Better Due Respect?
Recently, I received a letter from a man by the name of John Tate. The petition request’s letter identified Mr. Tate as The President of Campaign\ for Liberty. The rather large letter came in a manila envelope along with a solicitation requesting money for my support of a bill which the letter indicates is before both the House and the Senate.
This bill is being sponsored in the House by U.S. Congressman Ron Paul of the 14th Congressional District of Texas and in the Senate by Congressman Ron Paul’s son, the freshman Senator from Kentucky, Rand Paul …an Ophthalmologist from Boling Green.
Sideline Issues -Presidential Races within the Republican/Tea Party side of the isle
See also:
Rubico – Rand Paul
Just in case you are wondering; I put your petition through my shredder and then flushed it down my toilet.
After all, if iron sharpens iron; that is definitely where it belongs.
Pity! Seems like a damned fine waste of good paper …Kum Bah Ya!
Choice seems to favor liberty. I know, I have visited and lived in communistic and former communist sattelite countries.
However, America has not and is not truly taking advantage of its diverse energy resources.
Likewise, in spite of the fact that America has long known that it has an energy problem; America has failed to become busy in a meaningful manner which agreesively promotes a build-out of a wider energy infrustructure.
Evidently, America’s policy makers do not share industries desire to actually ernestly desire to achieve energy independence.
In view of this failure to redeem the time; Washington seems to me …more willing to invite any policy detrimental or otherwise …which is cabalbe of weaking the dollar and thus fan the flames of inflation …still further than whatever means the Federal Reserve Chairman, Ben Bernanke has at his disposal …in his near empty arsenal.
Such poor policy choices as it is make for a lack of choice though. And, in my humble opinion …threatens Homeland Security in a way which most people are being taken unawares.
As such, America’s (comprehensive???) energy policy (…or, lack thereof …) reflect a sad lack of consideraton for Lady Liberty which is consistent with Washington’s lack of esteem for what should, otherwise be delivering …service by Her duely elected public servants.
Sadly, in the absence of an adequate abundance …let alone …a bare minimum of any due measure of what responsible considerations should otherwise be offering America Her the badly needed due diligent of responsible service; Wahsinton’s lack of esteem in its lax regard …is failing to promote a healthy energy independence …and have pretty much dropped the ball. “Yes (…Barack …) you have …!â€
Whacked-Out Nut-Jobs
Control Freaks
Dangerous Distractions
Useless Circus Acts
I mean, Donald Trump represents what could not be characterized as anything more than a long shot …for which there should be nothing to fear, right?
I mean, even if Jessie …The-Body Ventura were to prevail in becoming Donald Trump’s campaign manager …that still would make no difference and therefore, there would be no more reason for fear to prevail in this manner.
I mean, if droves of thousands of Democrats in precincts all across the nation were to cross party lines and register as Republicans …that would be different and fear might then prevail all the more …to cause him to be taken seriously.
I mean, if Democrats were to stuff and flood the Trump campaign’s war chest like a plastic surgeon works on stuffing a Dolly-Parton-wan’na-be, then fear might still not even have a chance in hell in prevailing …that is any more than people pay to see freaks at a freak show, right? Oh, I forgot; Donald Trump’s TV show, The Apprentice is pretty well funded …in spite of the fact that no one pays to watch it.
I mean, in terms of pride, America …over all could use a face-lift, and who has more to share and distribute than Donald?
However, if American pride depends on Donald Trump; then America …fear for your lives!
Get out and vote!
> Since when did it become pc for Uncle Sam to believe …that it is in the public’s better interest for the public to shoulder this mess …leaving the tax-payer with the burden to carry …the impact of those its deemed NOT too-big-to-fail?
> I would suppose it impossible to expect that the Obama administration would call for an anti-trust suit to break up their ballance sheets.
> But maybe the Tea Party could take up the call and make a charge to assail both parts (both sides of the isle in Washington) whose lesser wills have promoted this mess.
> After all, if our major body politic won,t take up the fight for “…We the People …” Maybe that which is least willwash our feet instead.
Cry not “Whatever …†for me Bernie Madoff.
Nor Cry Bernie Madoff …America to me.