Now, if the car below just doesn’t make you think twice …
Imagine going to Shanghai for a vacation, buying a few of these cars …you know …one for each one in the family, and then having them shipped home … spending less money than if you could buy one locally.
Yeah! Good luck with that!
Is the world really all that flat?
Wait until they offer the more politically correct, green …natural gas version.
(Buy the way …why is nat gas the red-headed-step-child of our day …especially as it is drastically on the cheap and in such abundant supply ?)
Go figure!
Such as it is though, a car like this would certainly make a considerable dent in the amount of imported oil that the US consumes each year; you know …the single largest contributing component to our trade imbalance???
Just try a Google search using “VW High Mileage Vehicle” as your search parameter.
This is not a concept car. It is a newly developed single seat car. Its tear shape is highly aerodynamic …ready to be launched as a single-seater for sale in Shanghai in 2010 for a mere RMB 4,000 (= US$600)!
(Dec. 17, 2010 …Actually, since I posted this, I have been made to realize that my figure is inaccurate. See the source references listed below for more current figures. My appologies for this oversight with respect to the erroneous price figure used herein. WL)
That’s better than any Electric Car – + 250 miles/gallon: IPO 2010 in Shanghai
This version is a single seated car, but the website I found had information regarding a tandem, two seat model.
The company based in Hamburg, Germany took three years to go from concept to production.
The gas tank capacity is less than two gallons …1.7 Gal.
Top Speed = 62 – 74.6 Miles/hour
MPG = +250 miles
Think of the travel distance with a full tank = + 400 miles
The Most Economic Car in the World will be on sale next year
Wouldn’t such a car throw a monkey wrench in the Fed’s weak-dollar monetary policy?
Think of driving toward a stronger dollar …just by driving such a smart car!
Shoot! I’d buy one for $ 600 …if I could. Yeah! Right! Like that could and would happen here.
I say; damm the bureacrats …ful speed ahead.
None the less, selling for a mere $ 600 …I would expect that they are most certainly not made in Europe either.
Just try buying a replacement part for any imported foreign car for under $ 600. Needless to say, with the weak dollar as weak as it is, have you seen the direction of the cost of anything foreign?
How about the price of oil with in the wake of the Fed’s use of its monetary policy actions …all of which have major impact upon both currency and exchange rate.
But, just saying that …if I could get one here for the Chinese price listed below; wouldn’t it be nice to know that it would pay for itself in well under half a year’s worth of driving.
Now, wouldn’t that have a terrific impact upon the demand and price of oil?
For this matter alone, couldn’t this economical aspect also be considered an appealing answer to the exorbitantly high European excise tax which is paid with every liter of gasoline sold???
No wonder politicians would not welcome them in country.
None the less, it is interesting to note that the traffic signs in one of the photos are printed in German.
Regardless of the political mindset, these cars are coming as sure as are electric cars.
In fact, they are more promising as a bridge vehicle than any electric could hope to be.
Consider though, that …by a measure of comparison, I wonder how this car below compares to the carbon foot prints of the electric cars coming our way …you know, those which are to be charged on an aging antiquated coal-fired grid???
Is Washington, Ford and Chevy listening?
I rather doubt it.
If Washington wants your tax dollars at any expense …they will have your tax dollars …under any pretense …green, black …or otherwise.
What happened to getting the cart before the horse argument.
Oh! That’s right! The order of this administration’s priorities in its cart were dead at the foot of the horse …a straw basket called CAP and Trade.
As Cap and Trade was as much of a MUTE case as, say …a way to pay for Obama-care, alas …is electric any more alive than say …nuclear …or nat gas?
That is to say; is there any green sense in electric …in respect to a carbon foot print standpoint?
At least nat-gas would generate jobs galore.
Until then, for now ….keep on driving …and pay no attention to the man behind the (curtain) wheel.
Obviously, someone has chosen to offer up the smart answers upon the alter of dumb.
Unfortunately smarts just seem to be in short supply around here in urgent town …swamped out instead by demand for dumb …and that would be without greater choices which offer immediate real long-lasting high-yield, high-grade alternatives which hold water, impact and true promise.
Don’t get me wrong, I do not advocate that all must drive a vehicle like this, but this is a choice whose time is long since due …and is come for many who both need and want to truly drive in every sense of what is truly green …in all honesty.
Let’s get real, until the grid changes significantly, electric is just so much bull …especially when we could have a gas with nat gas.
All the best,
VW Volkswagen
This will beat all the low fuel consumption cars in the world!
NEW CAR- FOR $600——- New Single Seat VW (INR:: 27965 Rs)
New ride
If you could go to Shanghai for a vacation, buy two or more of these cars, one for your wife and one for yourself, and one for each of your kids, have them shipped to Canada and still spend less money than if you bought a car in Canada. Getting the car(s) into USA , still an ordeal
This is no longer a concept car. Developed initially as a single seat car …a tandem model may also be available in an equally highly aerodynamic tear-shaped version.
As I have been able to ascertain …it may be ready to be launched for sale in Shanghai this year …later in 2010 for a scant RMB 4,000 (US$600)!
Interested? At a cruise speed of 100-120 Km/Hr it achieves an unbelievable 0.99litre/100Km (+258 miles/gallon) !
I’m impressed!
As is, it will be the Most Economic Car in the World next year …including the electrics.
Better than all other Electrics.
It will sell for 4000 yuan, the equivalent to US$ 600..
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Wichita, KS
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