Now is No Time to Be Kept Waiting



I realize that, last month …I promised to publish five elements of a five-section preface.

OK, I admit …I have failed.  Home maintenance gets in your eye.

As it were, I published only four and still am one short.

So, I still owe my readers the last of the five to complete the set.

I guess that I am on the hook …in spite of my best plans.

You know what they say about the best plans of mice and men, yes?

Well, some day, like President Obama’s best intentions …all I can do is to allude to the promises I have broken …while trying to appear as sincere as my best act can possibly efface …and hope you buy it.

Sincerity sometimes gets away with hell while causing others to pay for ones own indiscretions, yes? (If so …no sweat off my back, no?)

And in the meanwhile, while …admittedly …I have keep some waiting intentionally or otherwise …like President Obama; I must make some rather revealing conciliatory confessions  of my own while we both …all the more …have chosen to keep some like mushrooms …in the dark …waiting for hope and change …which has become a rather inopportune and costly wait …if not a total gaff-off.

Buy that? Don’t hold your breath. Some would not even bother to ask you for your forebearance in spite of their intentional impulsive indulgences.


After all, no one enjoys being stiffed and given the shaft …let alone intentionally marginalized and or altogether ignored …sidelined principally for ones selfish pursuits.


None the less, last week …while watching television; I had the chance to listen to Barrack Obama make a similar rather revealing conciliatory confession.


In this interview, Barrack Obama was asked to elaborate upon his most painful  principal insights taken from experiences garnered from experiences while holding the highest position in the land …The Office Of the Presidency of The United States of America.


As Obama spoke, the spirit of his attempt to approach an offer of an acceptable answer to this question struck me like a ton of bricks.


In Barrack Obama’s response, he confided that …above all, that he failed to respect the element of the American people’s need for unity.


Good Lord! President Lincoln might as well as have actually been a vampire slayer!


Wow! If that is as sincere as Barrack Obama could manage to muster and efface, I have to believe that an even greater  opportunity exists today, now to do something spectacular which speaks to Unity.


Such as it is,  such a possibility’s potential for hope and change exists like none other …that to grip the bull by the horns and actually do something significant to defuse all the uncertainty which Barack Obama, he himself …almost single handedly has had a hand in creating …and that …before the election takes place.

But who cares who is to blame or who stands to receive the credit for effectually exacting solution. Who is there to simply stand and say; “…JUST GET’R DONE!”?


Sincerity indeed!


Think of what dealing with the fiscal cliff (AMONG OTHER THINGS) would do today …well ahead of the election to speak to sincerity?

 Where there is great need; the solution calls for cooperation whose spirit stems and rises from UNITY.


Why wait to the last minute to dispel all doubt and uncertainty?


Don’t tell me about your faith; show me your faith by your believing action.



Afterall, works in action speak for themselves, and so far, FOR ALL OF HIS (sincerity or not) Barrack Obama does not have a leg nor an excuse to stand on in demonstration for what all he …his party …and his administration and their collective agenda have failed to aggregately  accomplish altogether …save for an unpaid and unaffordable Cadilac health care system which has become the impulsive object of ones obsessive compulsions …and is now parked outside a White House which is in equal dire economic straits …without a plan to pay for the very house that the Caddy is parked in front of ….of which the President (for the time being) now has occupied for over the last three defining years.


Occupy that? The rent is mounting up as we all wait for something which resembles hope and change …any plan not withstanding.    


But, it seems rather more disingenuous and true to the actual essence of Obama to continue to waste precious time until the last minute and then bring out the fickle fingers of blame and shame …while sidestepping any opportunity to have otherwise taken any ownership action which otherwise would have …could have and should have led to a unified plan in each and every opportunity to reach a sure and trustworthy solution which would benefit “…We the People …” altogether the more than partisan politics which have done nothing but ask the American People to wait to pay for what?


That’s only fair now, isn’t it?


The opportunity to pay the cost to wait?


Oh, brother! Wherefore …and for whom art thou?

Waiting on justice? Seems to me that all will pay a heavy price to have choosen and bought the losing option to wait.


Why not wait for more years?


By then those who have been taught to walk like chickens will squawk chicken and still the more …pay more …all the while still hoping for what has been sold as a chicken’s definition of “…FAIR …”


Seems to me that whether or not Barrack’s revealing conciliatory confessions regarding his omission in the matter surrounding his lack of forethought regarding the importance of “UNITY” as it pertains to his rank and the status of The POTUS may or may not be sufficient to satisfy most Americans regarding the economy and the injustice of the exorbitant price tag he himself has thrust upon US while waiting on he, his party and their unordered, hell-bent agenda’s socialistic lack of oversight and due diligence which have failed for four years.


This is manifest Barrack Obama and he now owns it …flimsy weak conciliatory confessions and all …offered up with an air of apparent sincerity …or not.


After all, in all honesty; sincerity is no guarantee for the truth.


Bottom line, the truth hurts and above all …Barrack’s killing and costing US plenty …far too much to overlook the opportunity to entertain another potentially better opportunity which exists in the choice of Mit Romney for President.


In this regard, Mit is more fit; Barrack is a S#!+. …a rather costly one at that …one which is …without a doubt …in no way worthy of four more years.


Let all who may see, see and …let all who have ears to hear, hear …and then, let all act in the love of Liberty …doing so with one voice to ensure a more sure true spirit and thereby safeguard the bond of Unity.


What could be more sure; a house divided shall not stand.


Stand and actAmerica.


Set aside all paltry half-hearted self-serving attempts at sincerity …follow your hearts America; hear and see your way to prepare to speak and vote for the truth on whose side Unity stands a better chance to affect hope and change.


Above all; Now, is No Time to Be Kept Waiting!



Now is No Time to Be Kept Waiting



I realize that, last month …I promised to publish five elements of a five-section preface.

OK, I admit …I have failed.  Home maintenance gets in your eye.

As it were, I published only four and still am one short.

So, I still owe my readers the last of the five to complete the set.

I guess that I am on the hook …in spite of my best plans.

You know what they say about the best plans of mice and men, yes?

Well, some day, like President Obama’s best intentions …all I can do is to allude to the promises I have broken …while trying to appear as sincere as my best act can possibly efface …and hope you buy it.

Sincerity sometimes gets away with hell while causing others to pay for ones own indiscretions, yes? (If so …no sweat off my back, no?)

And in the meanwhile, while …admittedly …I have keep some waiting intentionally or otherwise …like President Obama; I must make some rather revealing conciliatory confessions  of my own while we both …all the more …have chosen to keep some like mushrooms …in the dark …waiting for hope and change …which has become a rather inopportune and costly wait …if not a total gaff-off.

Buy that? Don’t hold your breath. Some would not even bother to ask you for your forebearance in spite of their intentional impulsive indulgences.


After all, no one enjoys being stiffed and given the shaft …let alone intentionally marginalized and or altogether ignored …sidelined principally for ones selfish pursuits.


None the less, last week …while watching television; I had the chance to listen to Barrack Obama make a similar rather revealing conciliatory confession.


In this interview, Barrack Obama was asked to elaborate upon his principal insights taken from experiences garnered from experiences while holding the highest position in the land …The Office Of the Presidency of The United States of America.


As Obama spoke, the spirit of his attempt to approach and offer of an acceptable answer to this question struck me like a ton of bricks.


In Barrack Obama’s response, he confided that …above all, that he failed to respect the element of the American people’s need for unity.


Good Lord! President Lincoln might as well as been a vampire slayer!


Wow! If that is as sincere as Barrack Obama could manage to muster and efface, what an opportunity today, now …exists to grip the bull by the horns and do something significant to defuse all the uncertainty which Barack Obama, he himself …almost single handedly has had a hand in creating …and that …before the election takes place.


Sincerity indeed!


Think of what dealing with the fiscal cliff would do today …well ahead of the election to speak to sincerity?


Why wait to the last minute to dispel all doubt and uncertainty?


Don’t tell me about your faith; show me your faith by your believing action.


Afterall, works in action speak for themselves, and so far, Barrack Obama does not have a leg to stand on in demonstration for what all he has failed to accomplish …save for an unpaid and unaffordable Cadilac health care system which has become the impulsive object of ones obsessive compulsions …and is now parked outside a White House which is in equal dire economic straits …without a plan to pay for the very house that the Caddy is parked in front of ….of which the President (for the time being) now has occupied for over the last three defining years.


Occupy that? The rent is mounting up as we all wait for something which resembles hope and change …any plan not withstanding.    


But, it seems rather more disingenuous and true to the actual essence of Obama to continue to waste precious time until the last minute and then bring out the fickle fingers of blame and shame …while sidestepping any opportunity to have otherwise taken any ownership action which otherwise would have …could have and should have led to a unified plan in each and every opportunity to reach a sure and trustworthy solution which would benefit “…We the People …” altogether the more than partisan politics which have done nothing but ask the American People to wait to pay for what?


That’s only fair now, isn’t it?


The opportunity to pay the cost to wait?


Oh, brother! Wherefore …and for whom art thou?

Waiting on justice? Seems to me that all will pay a heavy price to have choosen and bought the losing option to wait.


Why not wait for more years?


By then those who have been taught to walk like chickens will squawk chicken and still the more …pay more …all the while still hoping for what has been sold as a chicken’s definition of “…FAIR …”


Seems to me that whether or not Barrack’s revealing conciliatory confessions regarding his omission in the matter surrounding his lack of forethought regarding the importance of “UNITY” as it pertains to his rank and the status of The POTUS may or may not be sufficient to satisfy most Americans regarding the economy and the injustice of the exorbitant price tag he himself has thrust upon US while waiting on he, his party and their unordered, hell-bent agenda’s socialistic lack of oversight and due diligence which have failed for four years.


This is manifest Barrack Obama and he now owns it …flimsy weak conciliatory confessions and all …offered up with an air of apparent sincerity …or not.


After all, in all honesty; sincerity is no guarantee for the truth.


Bottom line, the truth hurts and above all …Barrack’s killing and costing US plenty …far too much to overlook the opportunity to entertain another potentially better opportunity which exists in the choice of Mit Romney for President.


In this regard, Mit is more fit; Barrack is a S#!+. …a rather costly one at that …one which is …without a doubt …in no way worthy of four more years.


Let all who may see, see and …let all who have ears to hear, hear …and then, let all act in the love of Liberty …doing so with one voice to ensure a more sure true spirit and thereby safeguard the bond of Unity.


What could be more sure; a house divided shall not stand.


Stand and actAmerica.


Set aside all paltry half-hearted self-serving attempts at sincerity …follow your hearts America; hear and see your way to prepare to speak and vote for the truth on whose side Unity stands a better chance to affect hope and change.


Above all; Now, is No Time to Be Kept Waiting!







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